Saturday, June 30, 2007

U.S. family tries living without China

(Reuters) - In "A Year Without 'Made in China,"'
Bongiorni tells how she and her family found that such formerly
simple acts as finding new shoes, buying a birthday toy and
fixing a drawer became ordeals without the Asian giant.

Bongiorni takes pains to say she does not have a
protectionist agenda and, despite the occasional worry about
the loss of U.S. jobs to overseas factories, she has nothing
against China. Her goal was simply to make Americans aware of
how deeply tied they are to the international trading system.

Read more at Business News

Boeing gets $2 bln U.S. Air Force contract

(Reuters) - Chicago-based Boeing said the program calls for the replacement wing sets to be delivered in parts and kits for easy installation.

"We are pleased that the Air Force has recognized that Boeing has the skilled expertise, engineering know-how and the affordable solution to address the needs of the A-10 program," Charles Robertson, a vice president of Boeing Support Systems, said in a statement.

Read more at Business News